Hereditary hair loss in men

Up to 80% of hair loss is hereditary.

Hair loss can be put down to many reasons. However, 80% of men suffer from hereditary hair loss (androgenetic alopecia), i.e., thinning of the hair is, for the most part, genetically preprogrammed.
It is irrelevant whether the men with receding hairlines and bald spots are on the paternal or maternal side.
The good news: hereditary hair loss can be stopped. And this can be achieved without medication. [Read more]

A receding hairline – what is that and how is it recognised?
A loss of hair at the hairline above the temples is referred to as a receding hairline. Men in particular are affected by this. In the past, a receding hairline was seen as a dignified sign of ageing.
Sufferers of calvities frontalis, as it is known in technical terms, are now far from proud of this problem.
After all: Today a full head of hair is seen as a sign of vitality and attractiveness, whilst a lack of hair is regarded as a lack of aesthetics, potency and youth. [Read more]

Itchy scalps

Who doesn't know the feeling of having to scratch their head? But what if the itchiness never goes away?

Then it is high time to find out the cause of the problem and get help.

Find out more here about the causes of itchy, dry scalps and what can help.

What causes itchy scalps?

Itchy scalp can have different origins. Itchiness doesn't just occur due to an oily scalp; dry scalps in particular also cause this. [Read more]

Hair loss is men's number one problem

One out of two men suffers from hair loss! Why?

In 80% of all cases, it is "androgenetic alopecia" that worries men: Hereditary hair loss is a predisposition and not a disease.

Therefore, it can not be cured once and for all but must be treated continuously. Furthermore, androgenetic alopecia is passed down dominantly.

As a result, the cosmetic solution is appropriate for long-term treatment, because pharmaceuticals that involve the risk of undesirable side effects are not necessarily required to treat a cosmetic problem. [Read more]

What causes dandruff?

The sebaceous glands on the scalp produce sebum.

This is all-important for the balance of the scalp and hair and protects against the loss of moisture and environmental factors.

The surface skin cells continuously renew themselves, as does the scalp. The flaking off of the old skin cells cannot normally be seen with the naked eye.

If the scalp loses its natural balance, this renewal process is disturbed and, consequently, dandruff becomes visible. Dry and oily dandruff are among the most common forms of dandruff.  [Read more]

Which shampoo helps combat hereditary hair loss?

Washing your daily with a caffeine shampoo prevents hair loss. Find out why a shampoo can help with disappearing hair.

Which shampoo should you use to prevent hair loss?

Many men feel anxious when they first realise that their hair is receding or if others point out thinning hair on the back of their head.

The fear of going bald causes them to search for a solution to prevent progressive hair loss. [Read more]

Anti-dandruff shampoo - 5 products that help against dandruff

Dandruff is not only unsightly, but also annoying.

They are visible as small white dots or yellowish deposits on the shoulders or hairline. It becomes unpleasant when additional complaints occur, such as scalp itching or redness.

Fortunately, they can be combated well with an anti-dandruff shampoo.

With so many products on the market, it is often difficult to find the right product for you and your scalp. We reveal what is important when choosing and how you can recognise your dandruff type.. [Read more]

What causes hair loss and how can you prevent it?

At least 50% of men are affected by pronounced hai r loss over the course of their lives.

It is important to determine what type of hair loss you are dealing with and what has triggered.

Hereditary hair loss accounts for 80% of all hair loss.

If you suddenly discover an unusual amount of hair in the sink or on the brush or if the hair becomes visibly thin then is a cause for concern.

Men then cannot avoid asking whether they have a health problem or whether they will be bald within a few years. [Read more]

How to keep your hair longer?

A future without age-related and hereditary hair loss?

Read on to find out how you can stop hair loss and keep your hair into old age. Men of all ages ask "Can I keep my hair and, if yes, how?"

Yet most people consider hair loss to be unavoidable as soon as the first signs of thinning hair appear. They don't know that daily hair care can make all the difference if they want to keep their hair into old age.

Even if they are genetically predisposed to hair loss, it couldn't be simpler: start with the right care early on to keep a full head of hair for longer. [Read more]